7/13/2012 6:41:20 PM
What clam is the best
octoman Posts: 1
depends on what your looking for ? color? size? IMO i Like Derasa the best... i really enjoy the tiger patterns.. make sure you keep up on your CA. clams use alot of it... id post a pic of mine but im just finidng out how to use this site... Mario?
7/29/2011 8:54:51 AM
Aquarium Controllers
JonathanPeyton Posts: 2
Anyone who has an aquarium controller ; what do you think of the brand you bought? Was it worth the money? Does it make the hobby more or less enjoyable? Ill start. I originally bought a Digital Aquatics ReefKeeper Lite set-up.I had it for about a month and it worked fine but I soon realized that four modules just wasn't going to be enough for me so I elected to take advantage of DAs exchange program where you can buy a ReefKeeper Elite head unit for a discount price and send in your Light version for a 50 dollar refund. Ok so then I went all out and bought the NET module and the MLC which is the moonlight controller. Unfortunately this is when the weakness of the ReefKeeper's programming came into the equation and I began to have problems with the system starting and restarting.Most of those issues have been resolved.DA has a forum that they semi-monitor to help people and other users try to help each other also.So most of my woes have been relieved. I will say that the controller has made a me better reefer by thrusting the params right in my face.Never having to set another analog timer has been great.The fact that I can obsessively monitor my tanks params while anywhere in the world via internet is comforting to be sure ( I did already have the ability to see the tank through a 24/7 webcam on my webpage http://www.ustream.tv/channel/jonathan-s-reef. Many of the abilities of the system Im sure I haven't even begun to use.So I would have to say I am very glad I got an aquarium controller.As far as the question of if I got the best controller out there I would have to say that for the price I dont think you can do better than this machine.Even with all its buggyness ,its a sound design and they are constantly upgrading the firmware.Yes there are days when I want to set it alight and run away screaming but hey that's life .
7/11/2011 3:14:04 AM
Hello :)
JonathanPeyton Posts: 2
Wonderful site!
6/12/2011 3:25:03 PM
Reef Junkies is Now live and in Beta!
nano Posts: 1
ive been waiting for somthing like this for a while. site is looking nice keep up the gd work.
5/15/2011 2:58:27 PM
Reef Junkies is Now live and in Beta!
ocreef Posts: 1
Very nice site. We wish you the best!
The only area that we noticed that may need to be touched up, includes the (entering a business) information form field, where you would enter your state. It listed many countries mixed in with the U.S. states.
We'll definitely keep in touch, and we'll back to chat!
Best Regards, Dave with OCReef.com
vertigo262 wrote:
Reef Junkies is now live and in Beta. Feel free to signup and use the system. Feedback, bugs, features, should be reported.
Enjoy the new site!
5/11/2011 4:32:53 PM
Reef Junkies is Now live and in Beta!
Aquarium Dude Posts: 2
Hi Puffy,
Sorry for the delay, I've been working on putting in the new server. completely sidetracked.
I didn't understand what you meant by the remember me button.
as far as the coral add form goes. I think the problem you might be having is that every field can be blank except the "Common Name Field" if that is left blank, there is a red asterisk, but it's difficult to see, and the page will not post. Go ahead and feel free to give it a try again. If it is something different, or the page is crashing, it needs to be replicated, so I can take a look at it.
I'm sorry for the inconvenience, and that it took me so long to see this.
5/8/2011 2:09:53 PM
What clam is the best
monsterbigmike Posts: 10
looking to get one edited by monsterbigmike on 5/8/2011
5/4/2011 5:25:26 AM
clean up crew
monsterbigmike Posts: 10
what should i get frist
4/28/2011 5:30:14 AM
hi all
monsterbigmike Posts: 10
each day i use my [font=Arial]Journals[/font]
4/25/2011 10:05:08 AM
tank is up and runnig
monsterbigmike Posts: 10
4/25/2011 5:18:04 AM
monsterbigmike Posts: 10
sit and waits so that up
4/22/2011 10:07:52 AM
Reef Junkies is Now live and in Beta!
puffyluv Posts: 1
Really like the site!
When I logged in, it told me I must not leave field blank, and when I hit "remember me" it allowed me to log in, so I assume that is what it was talking about? This may discourage users who have two people in the household wishing to log on...
Also, I registered as a coral grower, because I am, lol, but we are a business as well. Anyway, when I tried to add a coral to test it out, I was unable to do so. Both of these things you might be aware of, but just thought I would report them in case!
Looking forward to the site launch, things are looking great so far!
4/21/2011 5:44:33 PM
Best Salt?
reelsilly Posts: 1
I have a 156g reef with sps and lps. I use oceanic salt and soon to switch to Seachem reef salt if it tests ok for me.
4/21/2011 6:56:20 AM
DIY on my fuge tank
monsterbigmike Posts: 10
well it almost done I had to buy wood to build it up and now to find stuff to put in it
4/17/2011 7:48:59 AM
oh nooooooooooooooo a tank leak
monsterbigmike Posts: 10
i did a leak test and i had a leak
4/17/2011 7:45:14 AM
Best Salt?
Anthony Posts: 1
I have an 90 gal SPS tank and all I use is instant ocean
4/16/2011 7:29:32 AM
saltydogs Posts: 1
If it is saltwater yes. I would never have one without a refugium and some cheato algae
4/13/2011 3:08:49 AM
monsterbigmike Posts: 10
should i add a Refugium to my tank build
4/12/2011 12:19:37 PM
Best Salt?
redsoxbill Posts: 1
reef crystals or instant ocean
4/12/2011 5:32:44 AM
Reef Junkies is Now live and in Beta!
monsterbigmike Posts: 10
cool site